Social media community to the rescue!

Photo by Esteban Lopez on Unsplash

It seemed like the media was raging war on the social media.  Are attitudes starting to change?  There have been many stories since the emergence of social media tools around how ‘dangerous’ they are.  I have Tweeted on several occasions when social media has been put in the dock  being blamed for bullying, burglaries, sackings and many more.  The fact that it is the behaviour of the individuals using the tools inappropriately in the same way as it’s not cars that cause accidents but the nutters behind the wheel.  A bad workman always blames his tools as the saying goes.

But, hey!  In the space of a couple of days, we hear two separate stories where the use of social media and, more importantly the social media community, has been called upon to help.  Why? Because social media reaches those whom the more ‘traditional’ channels of communication may not reach.  Not just that, but also because of the viral effect it has – the news can spread like wild fire exponentially.

We have heard how a Facebook campaign has been used by Avon and Somerset Police to help their enquiries in the Jo Yates’ murder.  This is not the first time the Police has used this means of communication.

We have also heard how both Facebook and Twitter has been used, together with their high profile members, in the search for missing Serena Beakhurst.  The latest good news is that Serena has been found.

So let’s hear it for the social media community and here’s to more good news stories for a change.

Just like any implement – it is us who will choose whether to use it for good or evil.  It would be great to hear from you what good news stories you have where social media has had a positive role to play.


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